GST ANX 1 JSON or GST offline tool

How to upload the generated GST ANX-1 JSON file (GST Offline Tool) on the GST Portal.

 After gst Registration taxpayers may use the New  ( goods and service tax ) GST Return on  ( goods and service tax ) GST Offline Tool to organize various details of Form GST ANX 1 to furnish various details regarding outward the supplies, imports and inward supplies attracting reverse charge etc. Once Form GST ANX-1 is ready using GST offline Tool, a json file are often created and therefore the json file so created is required to be uploaded on the GSTIN Portal. To upload the generated JSON file from the New  ( goods and service tax ) GST Return on GST Offline Tool on the GSTIN Portal following steps as indicated below maybe undertaken.

1. Upload the generated GST ANX 1 JSON file

To upload the generated  ( goods and service tax ) GST ANX 1 JSON file (from the GST Offline Tool) the GSTIN Portal:

1. Login to the GSTIN Portal. Navigate to be  Services > Returns > New Return (Trial).

2. Select fiscal year , GST Return Filing Period, Form/GST Return (as  ( goods and service tax )  GST ANX 1: Annexure of Supplies) and Preparation Mode (as Upload/Download JSON) from the drop-down list. Click PROCEED.

3. Click the Choose Files button available within the Upload Tab.

4. Browse and navigate to the JSON file generated using the New GST Return on GST Offline Tool, for upload from your computer.

5. Hit message in green text box appears confirming the successful upload and asking you to attend for a few time, while on GSTIN Portal validates the upload data.

6. just in case the JSON file isn't processed successfully after upload, the Status will show Processed with Error and a link are going to be provided within the Error Report column to download the error JSON file and import it within the New GST Return GST Offline Tool and to form corrections in it. Error the  report will only contain the records with errors.

7. Next, click the Proceed to ANX 1 on the button and navigate to the  ( goods and service tax )  GST ANX 1 Dashboard page. From here, you'll view the small print in Form GST ANX 1.

2. Download the small print in Form GST ANX 1

To download the small print in Form  ( goods and service tax )  GST ANX 1 from the GSTIN Portal, in order that an equivalent are often opened within the New GST Return  ( goods and service tax )  GST Offline Tool for viewing or editing:

1. Under the Download tab, click the GENERATE JSON FILE TO DOWNLOAD button to download the small print of all tables in one go, or else, select the precise table from the drop-down list and Uploaded From and Uploaded Till date range to download the precise details, as uploaded during the chosen period.

2.In  goods and service tax  A confirmation message is displayed and JSON file is download. The JSON file is download under the Downloads folder of your computer.

3. you'll use the  ( goods and service tax ) GST Offline tool to import the downloaded JSON file. 

4. Alternatively, you'll also click PROCEED TO ANX 1 to look at details in Form  goods and service tax  GST ANX 1. From there, you'll select the relevant table and consider details. 
