How to file iec application online is the biggest question always comes for registering iec online on dgft websites,
we should always first gain the knowlege of iec it benefits important and uses of iec, that where iec should be used after registration ? and what are its charges for registration ? Documents required for iec registration?, then wherein comes the process of iec code regisration,
Kindly please follow the simple steps metioned below for self iec code registration online.
A) The first step is to register on DGFT portal, generate the login id and password.
a) Please select the Type of register user as importer and exporter.
b) Write first name and last name on individual in the application.
c) Mention the registered Email-ID, that will be registered with new IEC portal.
d) Please mention the registered mobile number that you want to register with your iec code.
e) Please write the basic details of adress as PIN code of registered premises, district, state and city, write the captcha as mentioned below,
f) you will receive and otp on reistered mobile and email-id within applcation for verification once you confirm the otp,
You will receive the login Id as your registered email-id And Password on the same mail id which has been provided in application during filling.
Once you sucessfully receive the password kinly please login on the same portal just after registration.
After Login you will get the view same as below.
Click On Apply IEC
After Clicking on Apply IEC you will get 7 different application pages that we will hav to file to complete the process.
A) First page is General information.
a) where we have to fill the basic details of entity like, nature of concern firm.
b) Accordingly we have to fill all mandatory details as per asked information to fill in application.
c) Address of firm or registered office address of entity.
d) we also hav to show our branch details here within sam to avoid future problem to transporting our poducts.
B) Details of Proprietor / Partner / or director
a) In case of proprietor we will have to fill all the basic details details of proprietor including their address contact and communication details and accordingly we will have to submit the documents of proprietor.
b) In case partner we will have to fill all the details of partner including their contact and communication details and accordingly we will have to submit all their personal documents here, we will have add all the partners details and their documents in application to valid iec code properly.
c) In case of company or LLP, we will have to all the details to designated partner in case of LLP and details of all Director including their DIN number (Director Identification number) in the application here with their contact details and communication details here with their personal documents here in application.
C) Bank Information.
we will have to show our bank detalils of our current account here with proper documents, we can show either our cancel cheque or our bank statement here.
D) Other Details or (Preffered sector of operation)
we have to fill-up our other details like nature of business and mode of operation and our products details that we deal into.
E) Declaration
After filling all details in application we have to provide our declaration that the details that we hav filled in application is proper or not if all the details are proper then just simply have to submit the application.
After once we have Sucessfully submitted the application we can see all the details and application and submission details herein Application summary.
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