10 best benefits of trademark registration / ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकरण के लाभ

Before applying for registration of trademark in India we should aware of things mentioned. i.e Benefits and Advantages of registration of trademark, Disadvantages of trademark in India, Whats documents required for trademark registration in India? Duration of trademark registration in India?

And the most important thing to understand in trademark registration is the benefits of trademark registration in India. 


In easy language well know or popular “Brand name” / "ब्रांड का नाम" is to do as a trademark, usually, a trademark can be a word, logo, design, sign, or any expression / अभिव्यक्ति made by unique elements.

It becomes important to differentiate our uniqueness from others, the benefits of trademark registration in India / भारत में ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकरण के लाभ have many.

10 best benefits of trademark registration mentioned below”

“Exclusive Rights” /  विशेष अधिकार
The owner who registers their trademark get the
Benefits of registering trademarks around the world, they enjoy the exclusive right of ownership of Registered brand or “trade name”.

 If the owner has registered his “trade name” into a specific class of trademark then, else no one can use the name in the same nature business, registering “trade name” also gives the right to the brand owner to sue to the unauthorized /  अनधिकृत user of his brand as per “Trademark act 1999” /  ट्रेडमार्क अधिनियम 1999.

“Creation of asset” / संपत्ति का निर्माण
For any company asset of the company is always the biggest property to expand the business. “Registering a trademark’ also creates an intangible asset, /  अमूर्त संपत्ति it can be said that Intellectual property / बौद्धिक सम्पदा for the company. 

If requires then the company can sell, give any franchised, or it can also commercially contracted to some other company. 

“Build trust and goodwill” / बौद् विश्वास और सद्भावना बनाएँ
Trademark registration’s main aim is to build a unique identity in the market from others.  trust and goodwill are the main factor for any business to build within the market and customers by making good quality of products and providing the best quality sales service to our customers.

Our unique identity creates a permanent customer for us to know by using our service again and again by a well-known brand within it. Using a similar brand and service from the same create a comfortability for the customer and the keep o using again an again.

“Attract human resources”/  मानव संसाधनों को आकर्षित करें
These days young candidates always look their Jobs in a well-known company or the company with a unique name and concept.

A well-known brand always created a positive environment / सकारात्मक वातावरण in the organization, which also increases the efficiency of employees. 

“Differentiate Products” / विभिन्न उत्पादों
The registering brand creates a unique identity of the brand in the market., which avoids the confusion of the brand from its similar one. though the customer can easily find the brand easily.

A unique logo of a specific brand always create a good memory of knowing brand in the market without mentioning its brand name, the logo with brand always keeps a separate image within the customer in the market.

“USE of ® Symbol” /  ® प्रतीक का उपयोग
By Registering or “trade name” with trademark the owner has right to use ® Mark, which specifically denotes that it is a registered brand.

It also keeps fraudulent / धोखाधड़ी aways from copying brand uniqueness /  विशिष्टता. This is an exclusive right which gets to the owner by registering with the trademark.

“Global trademark registration” /  वैश्विक ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकरण
Once registering our brand within our own country, we can register our brand in WIP O just by paying WIPO trademark register fees / ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकरण शुल्क and can advantages of trademark registration in india / ट्रेडमार्क सुरक्षा के लाभ, there are many brands which are registered globally, which creates an open global market for doing business in the international market.

Nowadays, every businessman wants to do business in the global market and the benefits of registering trademarks around the world / दुनिया भर में ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकृत करने के लाभ can be taken.

“Protection of the brand for 10 Years” /  10 साल के लिए ब्रांड का संरक्षण
Once our brand gets registered with a trademark, then it gets protected for 10 years, we have to pay some trademark registration fees /  ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकरण शुल्क for registering our brand and we can take benefits of trademark registration in India / दुनिया भर में ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकृत करने के लाभ. 

This question always comes that “after 10 years should I register trademark / क्या मुझे ट्रेडमार्क पंजीकृत करना चाहिए again?”

“So the answer is NO

Once our brand gets registered then just we have to pay just maintenance of our trademark every once at 10 years.

“Recognition of products quality” / उत्पादों की गुणवत्ता की मान्यता
A registered trade name always specifies the uniqueness of the brand, make the customer use our brand again and again,

Using similar brand with good quality and after-sales service /  बिक्री के बाद सेवा always keep the brand goodwill /  साख proper, and using a similar brand, again and again, keeps the customer aware of the original brand of products.

“Protection against infringement” / उल्लंघन के खिलाफ संरक्षण
No one is able you use the wordmark or logo if we register our brand name under trademark in the specific nature of business or class.

After registration of a trademark, if someone uses our trademark name then the owner of the brand will have the right to sue them, or take legal action against it and can stop using our trademark.
