Trademark registration in india cost, timeline, procedure (step by step)

A trademark for brands plays a vital role in maintaining a monopoly in market.  As we know a trademark is one of the important factors for doing business for a long period to keep our brand and goodwill in the market and creating our unique identity of brands.

Trademark registration in India cost, timeline, procedure (step by step)

If don't know what is the trademark Please read this

Cost trademark registration in India 

For filings the trademark new application you will have to file an application (TM-A).

The cost of trademark registration in India depends on the type of entity you want to register under.

Let's assume that if have a proprietorship firm and you want to register your trademark the government fees for same will Rs. 4500/-* 

Let's assume if any other entity any company apart from the Proprietorship firm the government fess from the same will be Rs. 9,000-/*.

As we know that the government in India has provided many concession on for start-up, though the government as also provide some benefits for start-up in government fees i.e if you are other then proprietor and you have registered under MSME's or Udyog  Aadhaar

then you will have to pay the government fees of Rs. 4,500/-* in the place of Rs. 9,000/-*

the charges mentioned above are the government fees if you hire ay professional the charges for the individual depends on his service.

you can also file your trademark application by your own check here the procedure.

But you can just file an application on your own but after filings trademark application there are some formalities that have to be followed.

Let's assume you have filled your TM-A application and after filings, trademark application examiner raises any queries or objections against your application then you will have to make reply filings for the same within 30 days in a proper manner.

Want to know what objection can be raised for your trademark application check here.

The procedure of filings trademark application.

In India, the government has made it easy for registering a trademark.

Classification of Bussiness.

The government has made some classes in trademark i.e 1 to 34 is for manufacturer and 35 to 45 is for service provider and professionals.

So we will have to find in which class our brand falls,

It is very important to select the proper class according to our requirement because if don't, then it will waste time and money.

we should always select proper goods and service according to our requirements though that can be profitable for the company in future.

Trademark search

After doing classification, we have to make a search report for our brand that whether it has been already filled or not.

There are two important way of doing your trademark search First is "word"  

In word make "word" mark you can find an exact match of your brand that you wish to file a trademark application.

Second is "Phonetic"

In phonetic you can find the brand which similarly sounds to your brands, it can also be whether phonetically similar to your brand or with spelling.

Filling the application for the same name which already has been filled or objected, registered, abandoned, removed is a waste of time,
suggested that always file the application for a unique name the can specify your business properly in the market.

Filings (TM-A) or Trademark Application.

There are three ways to file a trademark application for form (TM-A). 

First Whether you can file your trademark application by hiring any professional for filings your trademark application. you also can authorized the professional for doing all legal procedures which is mandatory for filing trademark applications.

Second, you can also file your trademark application on your own by generating your proprietor code and you should have your DSC (Digital signature certificate). 

Remember you should be an expert in filing your trademark application then only suggested to fil trademark application on your own.

Third, you can file a trademark application by visiting the trademark department nearest to jurisdiction.
