Trademark is the unique symbol or identity by which your brand is known to people in the market, it also provides a unique identity and distinguishes your products and service from other service providers or manufacturers. It makes your customer identify your brand properly.
“Till these blogs End,” you will get an exact idea of what is a trademark?
As we know that goodwill is one of the most important factors
of the business, to be in to show our existence and reputation
in the market, and to create our image trademark registration
becomes important.
“trademark registration keep our brand secure from fraudulent
in the market”
Creating our own brand and getting it registered is most
important for the companies who deal in digital or
“E-commerce” platform because we always have to show
\or uniqueness of our brand.
“Geeting trademark also create a big asset for the company”
Trademark can be divided into three different terms first is “intellectual property” the second is “patent” and the third is “copyright”.
In simple words, a trademark is the brand name that we have to register with the controller general of patent design and trademark under the “trademark Act 1999” in India.
Let’s understand the “Types of symbols in a trademark?”
“First” “R” ® this symbol is called has “registered trademark”, it means actually our trade name is registered successfully. when we file a trademark application there are various steps involved in registering a trademark when the entire process is completed and our brand gets registered then we get ® mark as Registered mark.
Many people assume that getting ™ number is getting tradename registered successfully but ™ is just a Temporary Mark number that we get to use till our brand name does not get registered.
the “Application” number that we get at the time of trademark application is only the application number that is called as Registered trademark or ® mark after completing an entire trademark registration process.
Easier way to understand “What is a Trademark?”
Now it can be easier to understand by some examples of well know Brands who have already registered their trademark in ipindia website.
“First” is BAJAJ which has already registered its name in ipindia website.
“Second” is BISLERY is also one of most popular name which has registered their trademark.
“Third” is HONDA is also the very known brand name by which we all are familiar.
There are also many other unique names that have been registered with a trademark on ipindia website.
"Hope you must have understand, what is a trademark?"
“Things suggested before filing trademark application online”
A) “Name should always be unique for getting brand registered successfully.
B) Before Applying for trademark application we should always check the trademark search report properly.
C) Always take the help of professionals for filing trademark applications.
D) Should always follow the norms of stamp duty accordingly
“Because” stamp duty norms changes from state to state.
E) Always keep the scope of business and clear.
“Note” we should not put N number of objects in one application by this it can create confusion for the scope of your business.
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