Procedure of trademark appplication step by step Guide

 Here is the easiest step for trademark application online, you will also get to know what is the procedure of trademark application steps involves in trademark Application its requirements, and various other mandatory steps that are involved in a trademark application.

Procedure of trademark application step by step

1. The classification of business:

The classification is the first and most important process for a successful trademark application, this is the initial step of the procedure, always remember the classification for a trademark should be always as per trademark nice classification. there are overall 45 classes in which is widely used over worldwide the same classification is used worldwide, 

these classes are divided into two types 1 to 34 is for the manufacturer and 35 to 45 is for a service provider,

Has we informed earlier same classification is used worldwide so, here you can find more and more objects depending on our requirement, every class has N number of products and services, the easiest part of this classification is that while making classification we have filtered the classes as per our requirement

2. Trademark search report

we have already discussed, how important is a trademark classification and it was the first step for a trademark application.

Now after the classification of our business we will have to make a detailed search report of our brand, that whether our brand has been already registered or not, 

There is no use for filling a trademark application with the same name or brand for which the application for a trademark has been filled already. it has been observed approx 40% of the application are applied for a trademark is with a similar name and which is phonetically similar to a brand that has been already registered with similar scope.

your all above problem can be solved by just by making a search report for your brand you can also find the details about how to make a search report on the official trademark website.

The name is one of the important factors for all types of business and it may be in any industry all, it basically secures the identity of our business, and that why we are here to read this article.

the best part of this tool is that we can have a detailed search of our brand, we can get to know whether any brand is already registered or not or anyone has filled application for a trade name or brand name. one you get sure by search report that your brand name is available for trademark and unique then only you should go ahead for further process.

3. Making Documents Ready for a trademark application.

No legal documents required for a trademark application, but you have a make some documents physically ready for a trademark, but documents depend on the type of application we wish to filled. 

Power of Attorney i.e TM-48

Two most important documents required for a trademark application, if you are your brand registration from any attorney/advocate, any IP Agent, you will have to authorize him to file a trademark application on behalf of you, and authorization can be done by making Power of attorney in IP legal terms its called as TM-48, You will have to authorize him for making an application you can also give him some more power by seeing future aspects for making objection reply filings, Attending hearing and various other legal procedures,

User affidavit of brand

User affidavit is not required for all the entities, it just requires for those entities who are using their brand but they have applied for Trademark after a few years or months, etc. You should have any legal documents for the date you wish to make a user affidavit. We should always remember while making user affidavit we should always Notarized it.

Device of your Brand / Logo

The logo of your brand is called a device in a trademark application. we will require in JPG format and size would be 8*8.   

A. Documents for individuals or proprietor. 

the documents required for an individual is just the details of the brand i.e Name of brand, scope, Address, the address of the registered office, details of the proprietor, address of the proprietor. details of the contact person with contact number and email-id.

B. Documents for other entity then proprietor 

these entities can get the benefit in government fees if they have any proof in the small enterprise then, these will help to reduce the government fees of application. the actual government fees for an entity other than proprietorship is Rs. 9000 but you are registered under a small enterprise scheme then you will just have to pay Rs. 4500 government fees for your application.

Once your all documents get ready you are good to file your trademark application.

4. Government fees for a trademark application

Government fees for trademark application depend on the type of entity for proprietorship its Rs. 4,500 online and offline it's Rs. 5,000 other than proprietorship it's Rs.9,000 online and Rs.10,000 offline.

Its always advised hiring some professional for filing your trademark application and doing other various legal formalities for a trademark application.
